Monday, February 16, 2009
it's been a long time ...
since i even felt this way.
and it's all because i overthink things.
this entry shouldn't even be written.
cause i don't have the mood for it at all.
but i guess i do need a channel for this.
been thinking about the same thing for days.
getting back the logical answers.
thinking along logical lines.
and the answers make so much sense.
the only person i'm deluding is myself.
there's no way this is happening and for too many reasons to list.
so what's the point in deluding myself?
because of what?
the belief i should give it my best shot?
the fact that i don't know how to give up?
or is it just plain simple me being as stubborn as a bull like the taurus i am.
i'm just tired.
finally finished all there is to do.
and after the two final papers next week.
i'll need to do some serious soul searching.
what do i really want.
what can i really get.
and hopefully. get some answers.
perhaps this would give me some sort of a gauge.
三个问题。 一,喜不喜欢? 二,喜不喜欢? 三, 喜不喜欢?
aiky wrote in white | 2:33 AM
Friday, February 13, 2009
updates soon !
幸福是一个水晶球 从天空掉了下来
掉到地上 摔的粉碎 碎片到处都是
但是没有人 全部捡到...
aiky wrote in white | 1:08 AM
Monday, February 2, 2009
25 Things You Might Not Know About Me ?
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!Of course, you might know a fact here and there but do you know all?!
Disclaimer : I seem to have written what seems like a pretty long essay instead of just 25 Random Facts, so read at your own risk. It might be too much information for your own good. Not to mention fill you brain cells with useless information.
And a friend pointed out to me that technically, there are more than 25 facts in here. More like a hundred. Hahaha.
1) I am such a procrastinator I have put off writing this lots of times ... Got tagged on blogs a couple of times too. And I'm only doing this now to avoid doing work. For a fact, I often study for exams just slightly before I am to take them. The earliest I have ever studied for an exam is 4 days before the paper. The only exception I would suppose is for my GCE O Levels which I studied weeks in advance.
2) I never got around to creating a Friendster account. Which brings me to the point of why did I ever create a Facebook account. I still don't recall. Hahaha.
3) My closest friends are all guys. No, I'm not gay. I blame my 4 years in VS. Although I really had great times there. It's just easier to bond with guys. I guess NS shouldn't be a problem than.
4) I really love music. My iTunes and hence my iPod currently has 2870 songs. That is because I'm too lazy to put many of my songs in. These songs only occupy 14.41GB of HDD space. In truth, I have closer to 50GB of music. Most of which most of you have never heard of before. Most noticeably absent from my collection are Metal and Trance.
5) Notice how my random facts are super duper long? I like to explain myself very thoroughly. I hate being misunderstood. And this means that I suck at summary. In fact, I blame the Summary section of my GCE O Level Paper for bringing me down to an A2 grade.
6) I love reading. I can spend an entire day just reading and reading and reading. And when I'm in the mood to just read, I hate it when people disturb me. More often than not, I doze of while reading. And I also end up wasting entire afternoons just sleeping. My favorite authors are Tom Clancy and Dale Brown. And my favorite series is an out of print series called Battletech. Do let me know if you have any, I'd be interested in buying them off you. Twilight would be the other series that I enjoy reading.
7) I used to love going to libraries. But in recent years, I've this bad habit of buying the books I want to read. I love re-reading books over and over again. I've spend many an afternoon at Bras Basah going through the second book stores hoping to score bargains. Once a while, I score a good book. Like how i got Blink for 1 buck.
8) Speaking of loves. I really really love my food. I'd go all the way to a place just to have something I want to eat. I'm also known as somewhat of a food critic among my friends. That is if you trust them. Hahaha. I have long list of places to go for food but most of them are hawker centers. I don't mind paying more for food if its good. But I really hate it when I pay quite a bit and the food sucks.
9) On the topic of food, after that Community Service Trip in 2007, Serve Cambodia 07, I've mastered the skill of eating lots and lots of rice with nothing but just gravy. I should be well prepared for army. Also after that I became less picky about my food. But of course that doesn't mean I don't say the food sucks. I do. Just that I've learnt to be more appreciative of my food.
10) On the same topic of food, I've only recently learnt to eat vegetables as well. I think that also occurred sometime around or after Serve Cambodia 07. I especially enjoy all the vegetables in a Subway Sub. But nothing beats meat. *RAWR*
11) My favorite meat is beef. Nothing beats a good old steak, beef hor fun, beef noodles, stir-fried beef, burger or beef-jerky. This might also be due to the fact that I was forbidden to eat beef during my Primary School days, which to this day I still don't recall why.
12) My favorite beverage is bandung. Followed by Ice-Water. Nothing beats ice-water in hot hot hot Singapore. Although I do have a weak spot for Bubble-Tea. And of course Coffee! Iced Coffees at Starbucks and Hot Coffees at Coffee Bean.
13) I actually fell asleep at this point. I really love to sleep. I would rather sleep than study. But than again who wouldn't? The funny thing about me is. I can't sleep in till late. I have this internal body clock that kicks me outta bed early in the morning. So sometimes you'll see me on MSN early in the morning. As to why I still end up late for school. Refer to point 1. Also on the note of sleeping, I have mastered the art of sleeping anytime and anywhere. It has proven very handy.
14) I am very easily distracted. And also I can't multitask very well. So if a whole bunch of people start talking to me on MSN, well guess what I won't be doing. Or if I'm watching something or playing a game, don't expect a reply till I'm done. Either that or I'll just stop playing the game or watching the show. More often it's the latter.
15) I just realized I'm such a narcissistic person. Who really wants to know so much about me? On the same note, I'm a very egoistic person. And may come across to many as arrogant in speech and action. But that's me.
16) I'm a very lazy person. So lazy in fact that I actually do things at the last minute and often fail to optimize my own abilities. This includes everything from studying to preparing dinner. In fact, I think as I've gotten even lazier more recently. Damn.
17) I depend highly on two things to pull me through tough times. My ability to learn things quickly and a good measure of luck. Yes. I admit that I abuse my ability to learn quickly for exams alot. And I mean alot. Ask me how long I studied for my previous test. And luck. Good old luck. I bet it's gonna fail me soon. But than again, it's already failed me in one aspect of life. And consistently at that.
18) I like to do things in repeats. There was once I ate Chicken Rice for lunch everyday. For how many weeks in a row I don't remember. What I do remember was that was during the good ole days when VS was at Kallang Bahru. I miss the Canteen there alot. And the hawker center too. I also love to listen to the same song over and over and over again. Currently, I just really really love Broken Strings by James Morrison featuring Nelly Furtado.
19) I celebrated my 19th Birthday in Beijing. The first time I've ever celebrated a birthday overseas. Nothing fantastic for those of you overseas and all I guess. Hahaha. Spent exactly 177 days in Beijing for my attachment with Olio in Beijing. The longest period of time I've been out of Singapore. Had a great time. Learnt many things. Saw many things. Wouldn't have changed anything in the world for those 177 days spent there.
20) On the same note of travelling, my next longest trip would have been to Cambodia in '07 with Serve Cambodia 2007 for two weeks. Another very memorable trip. I'll always remember the times we shared over the fantastic fruit juice and those excellent baguettes with those "chicken" fillings. Of course, the kids there. Made me see life from a whole new angle. I still hope to be able to do something for them again someday.
21) I've not actually been to alot of places. Rather, I seem to be going to the same places alot. I've been to the U.S three times, twice to Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Fransico and once to Hawaii. But all these were long before I could fully comprehend things. I was aged only 4,5 and 7. Yes, that mean's I've been to Disneyland. Twice. I've also been to Hong Kong, how many times I've forgotten. But the figure's somewhere around 7 I guess. HK is <3. Been to Shanghai and cities around there. Beijing needless to mention. South Korea too. Both Easy and West Malaysia Penang, KL, Malacca,Johore, Genting, Kluang and Sarawak. Thailand once, Bangkok and Pattaya. Cambodia, Siam Reap and Phnom Penn. Batam for a day. Spent a night in Taipei while on transit. Spent a few hours at an airport in Japan, i forgot where.
22) I'm actually by nature a very shy person. Yes. Hard to believe? Why should it be? I'm by nature a very talkative person. I'll just keep talking and talking and talking. Ask my friends. They know. So if I'm not talking alot to you or if I suddenly go silent. It's cause I've no idea what to say, or what your reaction to what I'll say will be. Of course, I could just be having a mind blank.
23) I'm not a very sporty person. And I don't really watch sports either. I know nuts about football and even lesser about basketball. I only know how to Cycle, Roller Blade, Ice-Skate, play Badminton quite badly, and if Bowling counts, I'm alright with it I guess. Not very sporty huh ):
24) I was from VS Choir. Yeah. Choir. But we kicked butt. In my final year there. We got the prestigious Gold with Honors at that years SYF Central Judging. Rumor was that we were the top choir that year. Also performed at The Esplanade that year. A very great ending to my 4 years there. Some of the best times of my life in VS.
25) I could actually go on, but I sense that few would actually read beyond halfway. And the rest are probably thinking if this will ever end. So here's number 25. I've always had this idea of a fairytale romance. And I still hold that idea close to my heart and hope that it comes true some day. Someday (:
that's my 25 (:
did this on facebook, thought i should post it here as well ... tags on facebook too
aiky wrote in white | 12:12 AM